Pancit Canton

A delicious Filipino noodle dish


Pancit Canton
  • Main course
  • 4 persons
  • 50
  • Mild
Pancit Canton


2 tbsp oil

5oo g raw peeled shrimp

250 g diced chicken breast

2 cloves of garlic

1 medium onion chopped

400 g wok vegetables

sweet and pepper to taste

3 1/2 cups water


handful of coriander

Preparation method for Pancit Canton

  1. Boil 2 cups of water in a small saucepan. Remove the pan from the heat when the water boils. Add the glass noodles to the water, let it stand for 3 minutes and drain the water. Set the noodles aside for a while.
  2. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a wok or large skillet over medium-high heat. Sauté the garlic and onion until soft. Now add the shrimp and chicken and fry for 5 minutes.
  3. Now turn the heat on high. Pour in the soy sauce, fish sauce and 350 ml water and bring to a simmer. Add the wok vegetables and cook for about 2-3 minutes.
  4. Now gently and slowly push the Pancit Canton noodles into the pan. Make sure they are covered in the sauce so that the noodles absorb the flavors. Stir it until the noodles are cooked. Add more water if needed.
  5. Finally, add the cooked glass noodles and stir to combine.
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Recept idee.png Serve tip

Serve with cilantro and lemon slices. You make this and 3 other delicious Filipino dishes with the products from our Filipino meal box.

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